Effects of blood alcohol.

Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, as in England and America, spoke about the effect of this substance in the blood after passage through the stomach, said:

"Suppose a certain amount of alcohol taken in the stomach, where they are absorbed, but before the transaction is a reasonable degree of dilution with water, because of the peculiarity of alcohol, where they pass through a membrane of an Animal aqueous liquids, such as blood is separated, not through the membrane until the accused to a point of dilution water. It is in fact so greedy with water for water textures, and deprive them of that, in saturation, its power exhausted occupied, after which it diffuses into the flow. "

This power of water each texture comes into contact with alcohol in the seat you want, create your free use. The effect, when it comes to traffic, is thus described by Dr. Richardson:

"After passing the circulation of the lungs are exposed to the air, and some small increases in the steam with the natural heat of the released breath. When the quantity of these large, this loss can be significant, and the smell of The mind can be detected breath. If the amount is small, the loss is relatively low, the spirit will be kept in solution with water in the blood. After passing through the lungs and was fed by the left heart through the arterial circulation is that the minutes of the movement is called, or called arterioles extending the movement of the body structure. The arteries are very small vessels and small boats in the spring of minutes radicals or roots of the veins, which ultimately one of the major rivers of blood lead from the heart. During this movement, in minutes alcohol finds its way into all facilities. For the brains to muscles, remove the secretion of these bodies, yes, even in the same bone structure which moves with the blood. In some of these points are not eliminated, it remains a volatile and in regions where a large percentage of the water stays longer than elsewhere. Some institutions that an open tube for conveying fluids such as the liver and kidney, excluded or revoked and a part of it is finally excreted from the body. The rest are exported to the circulation is probably broken down and led to new forms of matter.

"If you know that the management of alcohol through the body at the time of its inclusion in the elimination, we have a better position to physical changes in various organs and structures in contact, are induced. All the first type, blood but usually the value that occurs is not enough to prevent negative effects in the liquid to produce. However, if the dose is toxic or highly toxic, even the blood that is rich in water and contains 790 000 units per hit. Alcohol is distributed through and water comes into contact with other elements, with fibrin, the plastic material that, when the blood clots and coagulates, and which has drawn the ratio of two-eight thousand, with the protein, which is the proportion of seventy pieces, with salts, which are about a dozen rooms of fat and eventually produce small, round bodies which float in myriads in the blood (which were by the Dutch philosopher, Leuwenhock discovered as one of the first results of microscopic examination in the mid-seventeenth century), called cells of blood or blood cells. These are places with names, cells, discs, when natural, smooth contour, which depressed in the center, and red, color of blood is diverted from them. We found that the particles or cells in the blood is much smaller than the white blood cells, and these different cells float in the bloodstream in the vessel. Red is in the center of the streams, the target near the surface of the glass, slowly . especially in red blood cells. They play an important role in the economy, but also largely on the oxygen we breathe in the air absorb, and take it to the extreme tissues of the body, but also much of the carbon dioxide absorbed by the extreme burning of body tissues, and produced gas back into the lungs, making inconvenience to replace oxygen is ultimately not the basic tools of the movement.

"With all these components of the blood, water, fibrin, protein, salt, fat and blood, the alcohol comes in contact when the bloodstream, and if in sufficient quantity, it produces disturbing action. I saw this disturbance very carefully in the blood, as some animals, they float to see him in life, and we see men who, under the influence of alcohol, to remove a blood stain and microscopic examination. The effect of alcohol, if you can see, is varied.'s blood may run a lot together, and roll can change your settings, making it clear, soft, outer edge irregular or crenate, or even a star, because you can round or oval particles in extreme cases can lead to what may be a shortened cell where changes is so great that they do not call at all stages following we be surprised to know whether the object was actually seen blood cells. All these changes are determined by action of the Holy Spirit the water in the blood, in the intellectual capacity of water. At all stages of the modification of corpuscles thus described, the recording function and establishing gas, and if the merging cell mass is very large, further difficulties arise in cells are bound to happen, something less than they should for small vessels of the lungs and circulatory conditions and prevent the electricity it produces local injury.

"An additional measure of blood caused by excessive alcohol in the fibrin or plastic colloidal matter. In that sense, it can occur in two ways, depending on how the water affects the solution of fibrin. You can assign water to dissolve fibrin, and thus destroy the power of the blood, or you can use the water to produce a clot removal.

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