Why Popeye Eat Spinach?

Would anyone know Popeye, a cartoon character as a sailor dibambarkan strong. That a great power, suddenly every time eat a can of spinach. Would greatly benefit from spinach?

The work of imagination, of course, there is nothing wrong if the animation a bit dramatic effects eating spinach. Bob is in normal condition has the position of small and wiry, in a flash able to fight Brutus, who bodied the main enemy is far greater after eating spinach.

Popeye cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar, introduced in the form of comic strip in 1929 in early. And quickly, this number is also indicated pipe tobacco chewing always successfully achieved popularity during the 1930s.

In those days, Popeye and fees are part of a campaign to eat vegetables among children. Despite the fact that contains many nutrients, and vegetables are less fortunate by children because it is considered bad.

Was quoted by the BBC on Sunday (05/30/2010), spinach and rich content of vitamins is very different from A to K. It also contains many minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Spinach also contains other nutrients such as essential amino acids different fibers. Fiber contained in spinach can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

Although the clinical trials not many, and spinach are believed to overcome some health problems such as:

1. Purify the blood after birth
2. Strengthening the hair roots
3. Prevention of low blood pressure
4. Prevent anemia (anemia)
5. Prevention of renal failure

Some people even think that spinach is also effective for:

1. Prevention of low visibility
2. Prevention of cataracts
3. Prevention of cancer.

Can be made through the cartoons and said the campaign to succeed, because the consumption of spinach in the United States recorded an increase to 33 percent when the popular cartoon Bob the Sea and explosives that. However, there are interesting rumors, hidden behind this campaign.

Associated with rumors choose spinach Popeye secret weapon. There are many vegetables or other fruits are also rich in nutrients, but the creators chose spinach as the 'fuel' for this brave sailor.

Assumes that the reason for the historical wrongs on the amount of iron content in spinach. In 1870, and scientist named Dr. E.. Wolf von missed a comma when writing the content of iron in spinach. This error causes the excessive belief about the benefits of spinach.

No one knows the errors until 70 years later, when Popeye was already eating spinach. In those days before it was discovered that iron content in the vegetables and only one tenth, which was written by Dr. Wolf.

But he denied these rumors by Dr. Mike Sutton, and scientists are trying to track the error-related content of iron in food Popeye preferred. He noted in conclusion, published in the Journal of Internet Ciminology year 2009, was not enough evidence for the existence of these errors.

D. Sutton calls it, has been chosen not because spinach contains iron, but because the vitamin A-rich. Whatever it is, and consumed many of the spinach and other vegetables will not continue to provide health benefits. Congratulations to eat spinach

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