Effect of alcohol on human membranes.

The parts which first suffer from alcohol are extensions of the body which the anatomists call the membranes. "The skin is an envelope membrane. On the whole surface of the food, the mouth downwards, and the smallest of the bronchi its ramifications, extends to the mucosa. Lung, heart, liver, kidneys were in delicate membranes, folded , which can easily be removed from these parts. If you have a piece of bone to take, it is easy to remove a membranous sheath or covering, if you look a whole, is also hollow and head covered by a membrane. The entire intestine is covered by a thin membrane called the peritoneum. All the muscles involved in the membranes and cables or bundles of muscle fibers and their membranous envelope. brains and spinal cord in three membranes, the closest to you, a pure vascular structure, wrapped around a network of blood vessels and another, a small serous, thirdly, a strong fibrous structure. The eyeball is a structure of colloidal fluids and membranes, and nothing more. To complete the picture, the minutes of the structures of the vital organs included in the Materials membranacea.

These membranes are the filters of the body. "Without it does not build the structure, no solidification of tissue or biological mechanism. 'S own obligations to remove, however, all structures in their respective positions and attitudes."

Membrane damage.

To understand the spirit of the action and the use of these membranous extensions, such as alcohol and they deteriorate and hinder the work, we quote again from Richardson:

"The animal world's factory floor and food and beverages you need for your support and movement. It is your muscles colloidal food: for fuel to move water for nesting elements and salt in a constructive purposes, and other physical. All they have can be prepared in the body, organized by membranous envelopes. through these membranes occur, but for now flows freely in a state of aqueous solution, such as water-soluble salts. The water through them, unhindered by salting them, not happen, but the problem in a constructive way the pieces of work, colloidal, but stored until they are in the nature of the soluble chemical respect. If we food of animal origin, took a part of the meat is the first solution in digestion, soluble in a liquid before it can enter the blood, which is defined in the colloidal liquid membranes are included, offering a new and permanent structure When he played his part, has been digested, so to speak, the substance is soluble crystalloid, ready to be replaced and by the addition of new matter, or by dialysis membranes in the blood and are excreted in the stool.

"You see that this important part of this membrane system can play in the lives of animals. A complete all the quiet work of building the body. If a highly porous membranes and allow the liquid colloidal albumin made in the blood that the body does die in such cases die if it bleeds slowly die. If, on the contrary, they condense or thick or filled with foreign material, let the liquid natural to go through it. You are not on dialysis, and the result of a accumulation of fluid in a closed cavity or contraction of the substance in the membrane, or dryness of the membrane surface include lubrication free separation. In the age we see the results of the membrane changes, of course induced, we see the fixed rate, tense muscles and a weak, brown eyes, deaf ears, impaired nerve function.

"It may seem at first sight, I went with the purpose of the secondary effects of alcohol. Nothing. Gooi ze me directly. For all these membranous structures alcohol exerts a direct perversion. It is in haar thicker and less downtime, which reduces its efficiency. they can work quickly and consistently, they continue the levy of water saturation. In case of contact with them, every manager that it takes the water, then disturbed by their work, not the components Saline separate properly, and started as the disease is good, should continue to reduce the content of an element can be found in the bodies and condensed milk.

"In short, expanded under the influence of alcohol, the changes in your blood, so the organic parts of another person in structural changes that are always dangerous and often deadly covers part."

Effects of blood alcohol.

Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, as in England and America, spoke about the effect of this substance in the blood after passage through the stomach, said:

"Suppose a certain amount of alcohol taken in the stomach, where they are absorbed, but before the transaction is a reasonable degree of dilution with water, because of the peculiarity of alcohol, where they pass through a membrane of an Animal aqueous liquids, such as blood is separated, not through the membrane until the accused to a point of dilution water. It is in fact so greedy with water for water textures, and deprive them of that, in saturation, its power exhausted occupied, after which it diffuses into the flow. "

This power of water each texture comes into contact with alcohol in the seat you want, create your free use. The effect, when it comes to traffic, is thus described by Dr. Richardson:

"After passing the circulation of the lungs are exposed to the air, and some small increases in the steam with the natural heat of the released breath. When the quantity of these large, this loss can be significant, and the smell of The mind can be detected breath. If the amount is small, the loss is relatively low, the spirit will be kept in solution with water in the blood. After passing through the lungs and was fed by the left heart through the arterial circulation is that the minutes of the movement is called, or called arterioles extending the movement of the body structure. The arteries are very small vessels and small boats in the spring of minutes radicals or roots of the veins, which ultimately one of the major rivers of blood lead from the heart. During this movement, in minutes alcohol finds its way into all facilities. For the brains to muscles, remove the secretion of these bodies, yes, even in the same bone structure which moves with the blood. In some of these points are not eliminated, it remains a volatile and in regions where a large percentage of the water stays longer than elsewhere. Some institutions that an open tube for conveying fluids such as the liver and kidney, excluded or revoked and a part of it is finally excreted from the body. The rest are exported to the circulation is probably broken down and led to new forms of matter.

"If you know that the management of alcohol through the body at the time of its inclusion in the elimination, we have a better position to physical changes in various organs and structures in contact, are induced. All the first type, blood but usually the value that occurs is not enough to prevent negative effects in the liquid to produce. However, if the dose is toxic or highly toxic, even the blood that is rich in water and contains 790 000 units per hit. Alcohol is distributed through and water comes into contact with other elements, with fibrin, the plastic material that, when the blood clots and coagulates, and which has drawn the ratio of two-eight thousand, with the protein, which is the proportion of seventy pieces, with salts, which are about a dozen rooms of fat and eventually produce small, round bodies which float in myriads in the blood (which were by the Dutch philosopher, Leuwenhock discovered as one of the first results of microscopic examination in the mid-seventeenth century), called cells of blood or blood cells. These are places with names, cells, discs, when natural, smooth contour, which depressed in the center, and red, color of blood is diverted from them. We found that the particles or cells in the blood is much smaller than the white blood cells, and these different cells float in the bloodstream in the vessel. Red is in the center of the streams, the target near the surface of the glass, slowly . especially in red blood cells. They play an important role in the economy, but also largely on the oxygen we breathe in the air absorb, and take it to the extreme tissues of the body, but also much of the carbon dioxide absorbed by the extreme burning of body tissues, and produced gas back into the lungs, making inconvenience to replace oxygen is ultimately not the basic tools of the movement.

"With all these components of the blood, water, fibrin, protein, salt, fat and blood, the alcohol comes in contact when the bloodstream, and if in sufficient quantity, it produces disturbing action. I saw this disturbance very carefully in the blood, as some animals, they float to see him in life, and we see men who, under the influence of alcohol, to remove a blood stain and microscopic examination. The effect of alcohol, if you can see, is varied.'s blood may run a lot together, and roll can change your settings, making it clear, soft, outer edge irregular or crenate, or even a star, because you can round or oval particles in extreme cases can lead to what may be a shortened cell where changes is so great that they do not call at all stages following we be surprised to know whether the object was actually seen blood cells. All these changes are determined by action of the Holy Spirit the water in the blood, in the intellectual capacity of water. At all stages of the modification of corpuscles thus described, the recording function and establishing gas, and if the merging cell mass is very large, further difficulties arise in cells are bound to happen, something less than they should for small vessels of the lungs and circulatory conditions and prevent the electricity it produces local injury.

"An additional measure of blood caused by excessive alcohol in the fibrin or plastic colloidal matter. In that sense, it can occur in two ways, depending on how the water affects the solution of fibrin. You can assign water to dissolve fibrin, and thus destroy the power of the blood, or you can use the water to produce a clot removal.

tips reduce fat intake

This information will help
Reduce your fat intake. The average person
eating too much fat, a factor associated with
a variety of health problems including cancer.
A diet rich in fat are associated
Breast cancer and colon with a series of studies
Relationship between fat and prostate cancer.

Most people of your fat intake
offers a selection of some healthy adjustments
in the way of the online shop, cooking and food preparation
they eat.

to control these days, it is becoming easier
the amount of fat you eat. Fat
Food is available through the nutrition labeling
and through brochures distributed by food companies
and even fast food.

Can this information in food choice
low-fat foods by comparing products and foodstuffs
Trademarks. You have a rough idea of what a healthy
The consumption of fat, you know what can and what
You can not.

Every day, the amount of fat you eat is
. Modify some of their dishes and a few days later, it is
The fat than others. Even a high-fat meal can be taken
in accordance with healthy eating, while the balance
At that time, accordingly. The average consumption of fat
For weeks and months is important, not the
fat intake of all foods and food they consume.

young adults and high active adults
calorie needs, you can probably eat a little more
Fat. Older people are not very active
If done to reduce fat intake. This allows
Can your fat intake and avoid many
Problems with the fat.

This is an extreme fitness,

Many people are living in the abandoned building muscle outside the gym and I think the allocation of time in the gym like a monk of the monastery. Perhaps the only way to carve a hot day in the muscles of the body structure is more than one days from the date of oxidized iron in sweat at the time of year to year.

This is not to be. Very hard work, and a weight of iron slaves and capacity requirements of extreme necessity. Progress will be published in a working set may be, fits easily in a single table. If you have an ability to reach the front, it is to keep the hard work of a routine is very useful.

Due to the limitations of muscle contraction with heavy weights to solve the real players of the game, taking into account the heart of the whole body, leaving space for a full recovery can be a boom to the fact that fatigue and therefore continue training hard and overtraining prevention is still inevitable.

First, even if the intention is to recover a physical end, here to learn all about Furubodiwakuauto:

Furubodiwakuauto time savings. Fitness training can move much more likely that the body all the time, redundant, perhaps every 2-3 days is enough time for all parties.

Another advantage of working the entire body at once, the need to spend more than two hours of exercise each session in the gym is not available. Spend just one hour each session in the gym. 3-4 hours per week in the gym right? Council of the movement, it is not practical, rather than one session to the whole quality over quantity, time and amount of money allocated for each session.

Extreme poverty is the heart and vascular system of the whole body of work improvement. A body part in a session of 2.4 hours should be allocated to the group. Jam, mind and heart pumping at full flash speed workouts every hour to get to the rest of the system.

Now, knowledge of rules, one of the following works, they feel pumped into the death of the whole body as follows:

Start training only once every two or three days. It is too easy? This is the good thing is some time since the day of rest, one, one at the end of each work session was saved when you can enjoy more dependent on heart, not in a practice session of a normal heart execise not after However, very efficient and everything.

This is highly recommended that the heavy lifting. The popular belief, athletes, mostly against. This is certainly a good light, and you can participate in the formation of energy savings in other parts of the body comes after the actual order is not routine. Regardless of the heavy training is not real progress is not what can be done if a person can help the program.

Only one exercise per muscle group. It is very easy to follow, it is also important. Another need to exercise different parts of the body that also has a high basic exercises.

Work is shorter. homonyms body of natural resistance training affects connections to build muscle. Increased level of effort is more work out long catabolism of testosterone and cortisol. 60 minutes of work, you can get the best of both worlds.

In this system work, convenient and powerful now, you can now truly experience extreme fitness.

Drugs To Stimulate Weight Loss

A recent study has shown that many overweight people every year. Only for adults in school children have only begun to occur.

Although the genetic causes of overeating a number of factors, the type of food placed on the body, the progress of man long your metabolism is slower to write but difficult to establish before consumption food.

Several ways to solve this problem. Decided to undergo surgery in a couple has decided to modify food intake and exercise more.

Since this is time consuming, can not wait to get rid of obesity, most people are these people with drugs, as has been taking the quickest route through weight loss.

In late 1990-1950, a doctor for weight loss drugs. The drug acts on the level of serotonin in the brain, is to make your stomach is already full, so I think that the improvement of human metabolism.

Only after the scientists, these drugs have side effects of the platform has been found to cause heart valve disease associated with the socket.

After developing a new medication prescribed by doctors, many of them are still pending approval by the FDA.

Most people are family members, significant improvements in diet pills lives and try to use friends. The idea is simple medicine or nutrition is necessary to change everything without something very attractive.

This is a consumer of pharmaceuticals to sell a lot of money and drugs has been millions of dollars each year.

diet pills by prescription, buy or prescription. Advances in medical technology, health problems can also adversely to these drugs, chest and urinary problems and death, such as diarrhea and vomiting, harmful such as tension, such as heart attack and stroke brain can be numerous.

An overdose of diet pills that you can not, tremors, confusion, hallucinations, heart attack, respiratory, renal, and cause cramping.

side effects consult a doctor first and only, life and human health depends can be minimized before you buy.

It shows that he must decide to stop the side effects and studies of the drug. These are significant changes in mood, hyperactivity, stomach pain, insomnia, nightmares, severe irritability, extreme fatigue, depression, nausea, vomiting and tremors.

Many clinical trials are drugs that really work to lose weight. However, you can do it, it was not the system when the low-calorie diet and exercise plan.

The food is good and should be all the food groups. If vitamins, minerals and fiber. May come from a variety of wheat, rice, potatoes, corn. But often comes from vegetables and fruits, these phytonutrients, enzymes, essential nutrients for a healthy diet.

Each morning, everyone, you can register and a health club or jogging. Medications for one, consult your doctor before beginning any type of the first series.

The best plan of the exercise, cardiovascular Ueitotoreningutoreningu. It burns calories, increase the proportion of fat loss and muscle to increase your metabolism.

Tips In Order To Lose weight Safely

If you lose weight in general, more than anything else, as I think they reduce the consumption of food. It is a good solution may be simply the best. Actually, it was the quantity of the diet, if any, may be harmful to health in the first place How can you lose weight effectively and safely? Here, we note some points to try to lose weight:

Please note, a crash diet

Most people think that this can reduce the calories, it's just unnecessary extra slow. The novelty food advertising, if a low calorie beverage that is likely. Ways to reduce the calories you should follow, if people around the fat, which can be dangerous to begin to digest, do not know. Does not sound good, it is reality. the burning of fat has a lot of energy. To promote the energy metabolism of fats in the body can not numerous, too slow to run, cause fatigue, illness or a weakened immune system.

Please follow a low-calorie diet in the body to burn muscle. This type of feeding the population, they all have the weight of the end of the day, if not a return to old eating habits take a step back. It consists mainly of fat. blocked because of the size of fat to more muscle before the same weight, they become heavier. The weight on my head, they should be paid, and should lose excess body fat.

However, we can try eating small meals at more frequent intervals. This body should look like, if you do not want to be, hunger, food and fat are not stored.


Cancellations can be considered as a Kurasshudaiettoopushon, he also forgot how to eat to avoid being seen. The first is that we need diet.It nutrition may also receive the right to eat roast always consider a variety of grilled or steamed instead of fried. It also contains many important fiber in the diet. You must also drink frequently.

Open the pump for lean mass

The muscle is a calorie, working with the rest of them, please. roam the neighborhood, and a thick layer sleeves trousers round, unlike muscles burn calories a day trip. This can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. For more muscle and less fat will be gone. This can be achieved by working with resistance exercise.

Engage in movement

Movement, increasing the durability of the heart healthy for the heart and blood vessels. Exercise helps to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Apart from these aerobic and high-efficiency metebolic process, make sure after a long period of time. Please make a more efficient fat burning in the streets or watching TV

Extra "Push"

Some people are smoking and caffeine, which can really help you lose weight. Maybe it's true, but can do more harm than good for the side effects of the body. Food supplements "extra" you can experience had to pay. The market has forgotten 95% of these products, really good.

Taking diet pills

Is this amount of weight in a volume not only lose weight, how long we stay away from diet pills "on impact. However, care must be taken, side effects of these diet pills. Thus, we need to carefully monitor packed. Also, before trying any of these drugs, how is the best person to consult a doctor and find out all media.

Losing weight does not necessarily mean sacrifice and suffering. It's more that you can not feel this way for seeking a place of their meager means open to a healthy and full truth, he can not or do whatever you want. Weight loss, in addition to harassment, but may include fine-tuning, as the saying goes: "no pain no gain." In addition to fat, you lose anyway, and what happened?

How to Find Shop Vitamin Supplements

To meet the demand for health products, vitamins, vitamins Shopping vitamin sold to consumers professional. Originally, the place only through the supply of doctors should be filled with a local drug store to find the prescription vitamins. You can also buy, is a recipe does not require the production of vitamin supplements without a prescription at pharmacies allowed to discuss the benefits of vitamins deeper e. This is because he brought in large supermarkets and petrol stations to store vitamin A, vitamin store, the most common, especially vitamin C, vitamin supplement business and the production of this level, as certain vitamin store and includes more than 50 children for use in dietary supplements, increased need Sapurimentosapurimento available for the needs of different age groups. Appears to decrease, rather than the demand for continuous improvement stores are vitamin supplements for many consumers.

Vitamin stores sell drugs for a number of law firms, according to the sale of supplements to control the results of its business diversification. This will complete the main reason was the emergence of a number of companies with a different Intanettoshoppubitamin. Some of the more promising, the sale of these sites has been questioned and almost all diseases and suffering for the treatment of shop vitamin supplements. Intanettoshoppubitamin these organizations is always sufficient, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics found that supplements do not prevent some of these pages to make false accusations. So investigate the largest consumer, respect of the validity of the promotion of special provisions for these claims of drug makers Sutoabitamin. Effect of excess are the most important factors can be taken into account, can vitamin shops. Vitamins, if some form of store vitamin supplement costs, always a strong need advice of doctors, himself, when you can consume in large quantities to be toxic, in fact, started, if you're of course first you will be. This provider should be applied to purchase vitamins vitamins and food stores specialize in Internet businesses acquired under.