Facts on food labels

The nutrition label on all foods
Can you tell me all this food for you. A
Some, but this information is not only a leader
Friendly. Fear not, it's so easy, at least
I do not think so.

Stock size
The size depends on how much people eat. Similar
Food and related parts,
Easy to two products in this category to compare.

% DV
This refers to the percentage of calories from food in 2000
Diet. This is a case of food will help you understand
The single most important food source.

Food is included in the center
How are most important to health.
This information allows the calculation of your daily life
Reduction of fat, fiber and nutrients such as sodium.

Vitamins and Minerals
% Daily values are identical here to see
Division recommended daily amount of vitamin
The minerals.

Now you know what are the nutrition facts label
It is much easier to eat healthy. Eat
Health is a good thing - especially when using
The nutrition label is to select their own food.

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