Effect of alcohol on human membranes.

The parts which first suffer from alcohol are extensions of the body which the anatomists call the membranes. "The skin is an envelope membrane. On the whole surface of the food, the mouth downwards, and the smallest of the bronchi its ramifications, extends to the mucosa. Lung, heart, liver, kidneys were in delicate membranes, folded , which can easily be removed from these parts. If you have a piece of bone to take, it is easy to remove a membranous sheath or covering, if you look a whole, is also hollow and head covered by a membrane. The entire intestine is covered by a thin membrane called the peritoneum. All the muscles involved in the membranes and cables or bundles of muscle fibers and their membranous envelope. brains and spinal cord in three membranes, the closest to you, a pure vascular structure, wrapped around a network of blood vessels and another, a small serous, thirdly, a strong fibrous structure. The eyeball is a structure of colloidal fluids and membranes, and nothing more. To complete the picture, the minutes of the structures of the vital organs included in the Materials membranacea.

These membranes are the filters of the body. "Without it does not build the structure, no solidification of tissue or biological mechanism. 'S own obligations to remove, however, all structures in their respective positions and attitudes."

Membrane damage.

To understand the spirit of the action and the use of these membranous extensions, such as alcohol and they deteriorate and hinder the work, we quote again from Richardson:

"The animal world's factory floor and food and beverages you need for your support and movement. It is your muscles colloidal food: for fuel to move water for nesting elements and salt in a constructive purposes, and other physical. All they have can be prepared in the body, organized by membranous envelopes. through these membranes occur, but for now flows freely in a state of aqueous solution, such as water-soluble salts. The water through them, unhindered by salting them, not happen, but the problem in a constructive way the pieces of work, colloidal, but stored until they are in the nature of the soluble chemical respect. If we food of animal origin, took a part of the meat is the first solution in digestion, soluble in a liquid before it can enter the blood, which is defined in the colloidal liquid membranes are included, offering a new and permanent structure When he played his part, has been digested, so to speak, the substance is soluble crystalloid, ready to be replaced and by the addition of new matter, or by dialysis membranes in the blood and are excreted in the stool.

"You see that this important part of this membrane system can play in the lives of animals. A complete all the quiet work of building the body. If a highly porous membranes and allow the liquid colloidal albumin made in the blood that the body does die in such cases die if it bleeds slowly die. If, on the contrary, they condense or thick or filled with foreign material, let the liquid natural to go through it. You are not on dialysis, and the result of a accumulation of fluid in a closed cavity or contraction of the substance in the membrane, or dryness of the membrane surface include lubrication free separation. In the age we see the results of the membrane changes, of course induced, we see the fixed rate, tense muscles and a weak, brown eyes, deaf ears, impaired nerve function.

"It may seem at first sight, I went with the purpose of the secondary effects of alcohol. Nothing. Gooi ze me directly. For all these membranous structures alcohol exerts a direct perversion. It is in haar thicker and less downtime, which reduces its efficiency. they can work quickly and consistently, they continue the levy of water saturation. In case of contact with them, every manager that it takes the water, then disturbed by their work, not the components Saline separate properly, and started as the disease is good, should continue to reduce the content of an element can be found in the bodies and condensed milk.

"In short, expanded under the influence of alcohol, the changes in your blood, so the organic parts of another person in structural changes that are always dangerous and often deadly covers part."

Effects of blood alcohol.

Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, as in England and America, spoke about the effect of this substance in the blood after passage through the stomach, said:

"Suppose a certain amount of alcohol taken in the stomach, where they are absorbed, but before the transaction is a reasonable degree of dilution with water, because of the peculiarity of alcohol, where they pass through a membrane of an Animal aqueous liquids, such as blood is separated, not through the membrane until the accused to a point of dilution water. It is in fact so greedy with water for water textures, and deprive them of that, in saturation, its power exhausted occupied, after which it diffuses into the flow. "

This power of water each texture comes into contact with alcohol in the seat you want, create your free use. The effect, when it comes to traffic, is thus described by Dr. Richardson:

"After passing the circulation of the lungs are exposed to the air, and some small increases in the steam with the natural heat of the released breath. When the quantity of these large, this loss can be significant, and the smell of The mind can be detected breath. If the amount is small, the loss is relatively low, the spirit will be kept in solution with water in the blood. After passing through the lungs and was fed by the left heart through the arterial circulation is that the minutes of the movement is called, or called arterioles extending the movement of the body structure. The arteries are very small vessels and small boats in the spring of minutes radicals or roots of the veins, which ultimately one of the major rivers of blood lead from the heart. During this movement, in minutes alcohol finds its way into all facilities. For the brains to muscles, remove the secretion of these bodies, yes, even in the same bone structure which moves with the blood. In some of these points are not eliminated, it remains a volatile and in regions where a large percentage of the water stays longer than elsewhere. Some institutions that an open tube for conveying fluids such as the liver and kidney, excluded or revoked and a part of it is finally excreted from the body. The rest are exported to the circulation is probably broken down and led to new forms of matter.

"If you know that the management of alcohol through the body at the time of its inclusion in the elimination, we have a better position to physical changes in various organs and structures in contact, are induced. All the first type, blood but usually the value that occurs is not enough to prevent negative effects in the liquid to produce. However, if the dose is toxic or highly toxic, even the blood that is rich in water and contains 790 000 units per hit. Alcohol is distributed through and water comes into contact with other elements, with fibrin, the plastic material that, when the blood clots and coagulates, and which has drawn the ratio of two-eight thousand, with the protein, which is the proportion of seventy pieces, with salts, which are about a dozen rooms of fat and eventually produce small, round bodies which float in myriads in the blood (which were by the Dutch philosopher, Leuwenhock discovered as one of the first results of microscopic examination in the mid-seventeenth century), called cells of blood or blood cells. These are places with names, cells, discs, when natural, smooth contour, which depressed in the center, and red, color of blood is diverted from them. We found that the particles or cells in the blood is much smaller than the white blood cells, and these different cells float in the bloodstream in the vessel. Red is in the center of the streams, the target near the surface of the glass, slowly . especially in red blood cells. They play an important role in the economy, but also largely on the oxygen we breathe in the air absorb, and take it to the extreme tissues of the body, but also much of the carbon dioxide absorbed by the extreme burning of body tissues, and produced gas back into the lungs, making inconvenience to replace oxygen is ultimately not the basic tools of the movement.

"With all these components of the blood, water, fibrin, protein, salt, fat and blood, the alcohol comes in contact when the bloodstream, and if in sufficient quantity, it produces disturbing action. I saw this disturbance very carefully in the blood, as some animals, they float to see him in life, and we see men who, under the influence of alcohol, to remove a blood stain and microscopic examination. The effect of alcohol, if you can see, is varied.'s blood may run a lot together, and roll can change your settings, making it clear, soft, outer edge irregular or crenate, or even a star, because you can round or oval particles in extreme cases can lead to what may be a shortened cell where changes is so great that they do not call at all stages following we be surprised to know whether the object was actually seen blood cells. All these changes are determined by action of the Holy Spirit the water in the blood, in the intellectual capacity of water. At all stages of the modification of corpuscles thus described, the recording function and establishing gas, and if the merging cell mass is very large, further difficulties arise in cells are bound to happen, something less than they should for small vessels of the lungs and circulatory conditions and prevent the electricity it produces local injury.

"An additional measure of blood caused by excessive alcohol in the fibrin or plastic colloidal matter. In that sense, it can occur in two ways, depending on how the water affects the solution of fibrin. You can assign water to dissolve fibrin, and thus destroy the power of the blood, or you can use the water to produce a clot removal.

tips reduce fat intake

This information will help
Reduce your fat intake. The average person
eating too much fat, a factor associated with
a variety of health problems including cancer.
A diet rich in fat are associated
Breast cancer and colon with a series of studies
Relationship between fat and prostate cancer.

Most people of your fat intake
offers a selection of some healthy adjustments
in the way of the online shop, cooking and food preparation
they eat.

to control these days, it is becoming easier
the amount of fat you eat. Fat
Food is available through the nutrition labeling
and through brochures distributed by food companies
and even fast food.

Can this information in food choice
low-fat foods by comparing products and foodstuffs
Trademarks. You have a rough idea of what a healthy
The consumption of fat, you know what can and what
You can not.

Every day, the amount of fat you eat is
. Modify some of their dishes and a few days later, it is
The fat than others. Even a high-fat meal can be taken
in accordance with healthy eating, while the balance
At that time, accordingly. The average consumption of fat
For weeks and months is important, not the
fat intake of all foods and food they consume.

young adults and high active adults
calorie needs, you can probably eat a little more
Fat. Older people are not very active
If done to reduce fat intake. This allows
Can your fat intake and avoid many
Problems with the fat.

This is an extreme fitness,

Many people are living in the abandoned building muscle outside the gym and I think the allocation of time in the gym like a monk of the monastery. Perhaps the only way to carve a hot day in the muscles of the body structure is more than one days from the date of oxidized iron in sweat at the time of year to year.

This is not to be. Very hard work, and a weight of iron slaves and capacity requirements of extreme necessity. Progress will be published in a working set may be, fits easily in a single table. If you have an ability to reach the front, it is to keep the hard work of a routine is very useful.

Due to the limitations of muscle contraction with heavy weights to solve the real players of the game, taking into account the heart of the whole body, leaving space for a full recovery can be a boom to the fact that fatigue and therefore continue training hard and overtraining prevention is still inevitable.

First, even if the intention is to recover a physical end, here to learn all about Furubodiwakuauto:

Furubodiwakuauto time savings. Fitness training can move much more likely that the body all the time, redundant, perhaps every 2-3 days is enough time for all parties.

Another advantage of working the entire body at once, the need to spend more than two hours of exercise each session in the gym is not available. Spend just one hour each session in the gym. 3-4 hours per week in the gym right? Council of the movement, it is not practical, rather than one session to the whole quality over quantity, time and amount of money allocated for each session.

Extreme poverty is the heart and vascular system of the whole body of work improvement. A body part in a session of 2.4 hours should be allocated to the group. Jam, mind and heart pumping at full flash speed workouts every hour to get to the rest of the system.

Now, knowledge of rules, one of the following works, they feel pumped into the death of the whole body as follows:

Start training only once every two or three days. It is too easy? This is the good thing is some time since the day of rest, one, one at the end of each work session was saved when you can enjoy more dependent on heart, not in a practice session of a normal heart execise not after However, very efficient and everything.

This is highly recommended that the heavy lifting. The popular belief, athletes, mostly against. This is certainly a good light, and you can participate in the formation of energy savings in other parts of the body comes after the actual order is not routine. Regardless of the heavy training is not real progress is not what can be done if a person can help the program.

Only one exercise per muscle group. It is very easy to follow, it is also important. Another need to exercise different parts of the body that also has a high basic exercises.

Work is shorter. homonyms body of natural resistance training affects connections to build muscle. Increased level of effort is more work out long catabolism of testosterone and cortisol. 60 minutes of work, you can get the best of both worlds.

In this system work, convenient and powerful now, you can now truly experience extreme fitness.

Drugs To Stimulate Weight Loss

A recent study has shown that many overweight people every year. Only for adults in school children have only begun to occur.

Although the genetic causes of overeating a number of factors, the type of food placed on the body, the progress of man long your metabolism is slower to write but difficult to establish before consumption food.

Several ways to solve this problem. Decided to undergo surgery in a couple has decided to modify food intake and exercise more.

Since this is time consuming, can not wait to get rid of obesity, most people are these people with drugs, as has been taking the quickest route through weight loss.

In late 1990-1950, a doctor for weight loss drugs. The drug acts on the level of serotonin in the brain, is to make your stomach is already full, so I think that the improvement of human metabolism.

Only after the scientists, these drugs have side effects of the platform has been found to cause heart valve disease associated with the socket.

After developing a new medication prescribed by doctors, many of them are still pending approval by the FDA.

Most people are family members, significant improvements in diet pills lives and try to use friends. The idea is simple medicine or nutrition is necessary to change everything without something very attractive.

This is a consumer of pharmaceuticals to sell a lot of money and drugs has been millions of dollars each year.

diet pills by prescription, buy or prescription. Advances in medical technology, health problems can also adversely to these drugs, chest and urinary problems and death, such as diarrhea and vomiting, harmful such as tension, such as heart attack and stroke brain can be numerous.

An overdose of diet pills that you can not, tremors, confusion, hallucinations, heart attack, respiratory, renal, and cause cramping.

side effects consult a doctor first and only, life and human health depends can be minimized before you buy.

It shows that he must decide to stop the side effects and studies of the drug. These are significant changes in mood, hyperactivity, stomach pain, insomnia, nightmares, severe irritability, extreme fatigue, depression, nausea, vomiting and tremors.

Many clinical trials are drugs that really work to lose weight. However, you can do it, it was not the system when the low-calorie diet and exercise plan.

The food is good and should be all the food groups. If vitamins, minerals and fiber. May come from a variety of wheat, rice, potatoes, corn. But often comes from vegetables and fruits, these phytonutrients, enzymes, essential nutrients for a healthy diet.

Each morning, everyone, you can register and a health club or jogging. Medications for one, consult your doctor before beginning any type of the first series.

The best plan of the exercise, cardiovascular Ueitotoreningutoreningu. It burns calories, increase the proportion of fat loss and muscle to increase your metabolism.

Tips In Order To Lose weight Safely

If you lose weight in general, more than anything else, as I think they reduce the consumption of food. It is a good solution may be simply the best. Actually, it was the quantity of the diet, if any, may be harmful to health in the first place How can you lose weight effectively and safely? Here, we note some points to try to lose weight:

Please note, a crash diet

Most people think that this can reduce the calories, it's just unnecessary extra slow. The novelty food advertising, if a low calorie beverage that is likely. Ways to reduce the calories you should follow, if people around the fat, which can be dangerous to begin to digest, do not know. Does not sound good, it is reality. the burning of fat has a lot of energy. To promote the energy metabolism of fats in the body can not numerous, too slow to run, cause fatigue, illness or a weakened immune system.

Please follow a low-calorie diet in the body to burn muscle. This type of feeding the population, they all have the weight of the end of the day, if not a return to old eating habits take a step back. It consists mainly of fat. blocked because of the size of fat to more muscle before the same weight, they become heavier. The weight on my head, they should be paid, and should lose excess body fat.

However, we can try eating small meals at more frequent intervals. This body should look like, if you do not want to be, hunger, food and fat are not stored.


Cancellations can be considered as a Kurasshudaiettoopushon, he also forgot how to eat to avoid being seen. The first is that we need diet.It nutrition may also receive the right to eat roast always consider a variety of grilled or steamed instead of fried. It also contains many important fiber in the diet. You must also drink frequently.

Open the pump for lean mass

The muscle is a calorie, working with the rest of them, please. roam the neighborhood, and a thick layer sleeves trousers round, unlike muscles burn calories a day trip. This can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. For more muscle and less fat will be gone. This can be achieved by working with resistance exercise.

Engage in movement

Movement, increasing the durability of the heart healthy for the heart and blood vessels. Exercise helps to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Apart from these aerobic and high-efficiency metebolic process, make sure after a long period of time. Please make a more efficient fat burning in the streets or watching TV

Extra "Push"

Some people are smoking and caffeine, which can really help you lose weight. Maybe it's true, but can do more harm than good for the side effects of the body. Food supplements "extra" you can experience had to pay. The market has forgotten 95% of these products, really good.

Taking diet pills

Is this amount of weight in a volume not only lose weight, how long we stay away from diet pills "on impact. However, care must be taken, side effects of these diet pills. Thus, we need to carefully monitor packed. Also, before trying any of these drugs, how is the best person to consult a doctor and find out all media.

Losing weight does not necessarily mean sacrifice and suffering. It's more that you can not feel this way for seeking a place of their meager means open to a healthy and full truth, he can not or do whatever you want. Weight loss, in addition to harassment, but may include fine-tuning, as the saying goes: "no pain no gain." In addition to fat, you lose anyway, and what happened?

How to Find Shop Vitamin Supplements

To meet the demand for health products, vitamins, vitamins Shopping vitamin sold to consumers professional. Originally, the place only through the supply of doctors should be filled with a local drug store to find the prescription vitamins. You can also buy, is a recipe does not require the production of vitamin supplements without a prescription at pharmacies allowed to discuss the benefits of vitamins deeper e. This is because he brought in large supermarkets and petrol stations to store vitamin A, vitamin store, the most common, especially vitamin C, vitamin supplement business and the production of this level, as certain vitamin store and includes more than 50 children for use in dietary supplements, increased need Sapurimentosapurimento available for the needs of different age groups. Appears to decrease, rather than the demand for continuous improvement stores are vitamin supplements for many consumers.

Vitamin stores sell drugs for a number of law firms, according to the sale of supplements to control the results of its business diversification. This will complete the main reason was the emergence of a number of companies with a different Intanettoshoppubitamin. Some of the more promising, the sale of these sites has been questioned and almost all diseases and suffering for the treatment of shop vitamin supplements. Intanettoshoppubitamin these organizations is always sufficient, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics found that supplements do not prevent some of these pages to make false accusations. So investigate the largest consumer, respect of the validity of the promotion of special provisions for these claims of drug makers Sutoabitamin. Effect of excess are the most important factors can be taken into account, can vitamin shops. Vitamins, if some form of store vitamin supplement costs, always a strong need advice of doctors, himself, when you can consume in large quantities to be toxic, in fact, started, if you're of course first you will be. This provider should be applied to purchase vitamins vitamins and food stores specialize in Internet businesses acquired under.

Overview of Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid are known. Vitamin B5 has all kinds of food at the height of all vitamins. In fact, no vitamin B5 is required to consume less. This is not the person who is very likely that lack of vitamin B5 can. This is actually the recommended daily dose of health professionals, usually a more than enough food per person. But despite calculate the recommended daily dose is not necessary, it is a vitamin B 5 is not necessary for mental and physical health. In fact, vitamin B5, is necessary to convert food into energy for other tasks. Vitamin B5 is responsible for the elimination of fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Some vitamin B5 in almost all foods, if you can find animals and plants. It is a balanced diet is better than the others seem to have more than enough vitamin B5 offer several sources. Vitamin B5 the highest content of meat and food aid agencies, salmon, eggs, beans, milk and cereal products. Vitamin B5 is constant cornmeal, then again, tends to delay the processing of grain foods, which is lost as pasta and bread, rice, cereals, baked goods, are not a good source of Vitamin B5 .

Vitamin B5 is the most vitamins, especially thiamin or B1, B2 or riboflavin, niacin or B3, B6, combined and / or pyridoxine, biotin effectively. These B vitamins, and other groups, vitamin B5, the number of operations is essential. The most important of these are consumed, is the production of energy from food and pancakes sessions is known. Vitamin B5 is needed for the release of energy from fat.

Interestingly, vitamin B5 to be helpful in reducing stress. to produce this time of tension in the most important events, such as adrenaline is the body of vitamin B5, these hormones for more specific needs. Vitamin B5 There are many theories about the benefits of the majority of people do not need, which may be necessary to actually consume much more than they are actively seeking highly B5 food. The consumption of vitamin B5 is a lot of negative effects.

Vitamin B Complex a guide

Much of the debate on the B vitamins, is what is required to perform many functions in the body. However, vitamin B complex vitamin is a very complicated perhaps, not your name. 08 Vitamin B-complex vitamins are actually B is some other related articles, and more complex. 2008 vitamins, vitamin B-complex vitamins and vitamins (B1, B2, riboflavin, vitamin A or vitamin B3, niacin, or vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, cobalamin and vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin B, biotin and other documents are composed, B vitamins also contain amino benzoic acid choline and inositol.
All parts of the B vitamin complex, the individual body, but together they provide the vitamins necessary to maintaining the functions of the body in good health is more complex B. Vitamin B-complex vitamins are soluble in water containing the group B are needed regularly consume these vitamins is sufficient. The body can store vitamin B and other water-soluble vitamins can be tricky, as regular consumer demand.
B vitamins are very useful for many conditions may be necessary at some point in the life of people with additional amounts. Of course, vitamin B complex, sex, the recommended daily dose is the age of the person. However, vitamins and other medical health professionals of the B complex by the increase in benefits has been established that to overcome certain illnesses.
In any tension and fear, many people suffer from vitamin B complex and found that helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and tension useful. And vitamin B complex human disease is rare when you can greatly assist the recovery process. The fatigue and symptoms of many diseases, B vitamins are a simple combination of general fatigue, drowsiness, can help reduce.
Interestingly, even beyond skin diseases such as dermatitis, use the amount of vitamin B complex In fact, the number of creams, skin of other vitamins can be absorbed in order to relieve the condition are lotions and extra B complex. Vitamin B, which feels considerably improve the conditions of adequate supply of complex

A Guide of Vitamin C

Vitamin C has received, and vitamins known recently. Vitamin C 300 or body of work that need it, not surprising. In fact, vitamin C and heart disease has been shown to protect against cancer and other serious illnesses. Without vitamin C can heal us right. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen, this. To repair the damage, if there is enough vitamin A cut or wound people without C, collagen can be almost impossible. storage organs of collagen as an opportunity to be with many functions in the body can not do so without enough vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant helping the body to absorb vitamins and minerals than others. Iron and folic acid, such as vitamin A to C is to improve its usefulness. Vitamin C, more body, is the best defense against colds and other common diseases, vitamin C may begin to interfere with any person, the virus, but to help speed the recovery process.

Fruits and vegetables and vitamin C are very rich in vitamin C than the others very little. Blueberries, melons, a high percentage of vitamin C is actually a tropical fruit, vitamin C, higher amounts of all fruit. Among the rich sources of vitamins in Chile c when it comes to vegetables, it is. Hot Pepper, but unfortunately, high in vitamin C, vitamin C is water soluble for many vegetables, vitamin C loses its effectiveness as a provider of long-low heat. The higher the vitamin content of vegetables to ensure that the movement of steam or fried c hold. And readily available, live, eat 30 vitamins and public consumption of fruits and vegetables or cooked immediately recommended daily dose of C.

vitamin supplements C is to help very, C vitamin C diet, but man, enough vitamins in your body balanced is probably sufficient. People are tired or lazy, he sits down to start, but then vitamin C supplements can help solve this problem. Vitamin C as an organization that has a high risk is not eliminated simply exaggerated.

A Guide to the Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not the only vitamin of food consumed. However, the real vitamin D of the skin to sunlight. Many news reports about the dangers of excess was to get the date, it is important to sunlight is the skin vitamins Get the recommended daily amount . In fact, the people of the time spent in the sun for a good dose of vitamins D is very low, with only a few minutes, a large amount of UV light is busy enough for one day to have negative effects.

The main function of vitamin D is the absorption of calcium from the control diet. Sent to the strengthening of bones and teeth, send messages to nerves and muscles that most of the use of calcium, such as heart muscle and in great need of help. Vitamin in the blood is always adequate calcium, please be sure to perform these tasks. Vitamin D and other functions related to the immune system is necessary, the factors contributing to colon cancer, in particular, are expected to reduce the risk of cancer.

Vitamin D of vitamin D3 in the skin, known as alternative or cholecalciferol formed. Vitamin (based d) ultraviolet light interacts with the type of cholesterol that is found naturally in the skin. D-form of vitamin D3 to the liver, in the list to be effective, it is more necessary when moving. Some vitamins D is to absorb the calcium in the blood by the liver and kidneys help. Vitamin (and the rest of the division) to hold the bones of the intestine to absorb calcium and calcium from food.

Vitamins (most of d) does not contain some of the natural vitamins of the skin by the sun, there are some foods. This vitamin D and vitamins (D2, is known as ergocalciferol. This method is the same as other vitamins and vitamin D.

How to be a model for fitness advice is.?

Everyone is busy. But shares in this view of tasks, should be the priority. 30 minutes per day if they are not very common. The Prime Minister presented a TV program an hour of the night. Please make 30 minutes earlier each morning. use half your lunch hour walking speed. If it is very difficult that you can find the time.

is, indeed, time management, people who demonstrate the benefits of the combined support and found that the physical world seems like a healthy person.

That's why most people, health and fitness to be considered an attractive person in the world. It incorporates the concept of the perfect man to fit. Fittonesusentamoderu in fact, is an example of work and life and health, the real beauty.

In fact, some have the ability to move more people practice can be a fitness model are removed and fitness benefits of each exercise.

So you think you have what it means to be a fitness model, some tips on how to become hard to achieve.

The first difference is only a matter of personal body of all general health concepts.

The problem is a tribute to the people and society today, men tend thin and sexy, women, biceps, triceps, and abs are magnificent.

Because they want to model these results, in fact, because people want, in fact, tend to health and not much effort, gym, watching television, magazines and posters all normal.

Moderufittonesu is not only your health, you need to start working your way to sexy, physically attractive, I love you.

After all, your body is not necessarily a competency model "No size fashion is not."

Second reading: "You are what you eat."

If you want a fitness model, the fact that our bodies are supposed to nurture this kind of food. And your body is also a recognition of this type of physical activity in your life.

If you disagree with this belief in this way does not agree, the chances of reaching and difficult to model for fitness, you may notify the person who is physically fit.

Third Live a healthy life

Played an important role in the gene for human health. But surely this is your breakfast, lunch and dinner do not affect this type of activity is involved.

So if the sound patterns in your life, chances are, if you use it, not a fitness model.

Do you have room a positive self-image

The competency model must be to integrate a positive body image in her life. This occurred despite the presence of the environment and in life is to love your body.

Thus, the body is what we do not need to know not. It is thinner thighs or beautiful if you do not like the possibility of life on their own, if you have ABS resin is excellent.

Through positive self-image, you can get your self-respect, which in turn respect and admire that you create another.

The important point here is not only physical attributes are the vanity and fitness are not models.

Fitness for women is to stay healthy!

Here are 10 health for women:

First Fit and a balanced diet and healthy start. weight control is your age and knowledge. Advice, please avoid the food doctor examined disciplinary proceedings in your diet. A certain amount, and if you try to lose the high calorie foods can be removed from the food. Instead of red meat in your shopping list, so low in fat containing foods rich in fiber and fat mainly sugar.

According Drink plenty of water. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. It allows the body of impurities. E 'for nursing mothers to increase the amount of water to keep the water in the body again recommended.

Third take vitamins and minerals. Please do not forget your calcium. Eating enough calcium is good for women of all ages. This is a contract used (LDCs), has been shown to prevent the symptoms of menstruation. In addition, to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Vitamin (e) to strengthen the immune system is strong. Menopausal women should take vitamins (s), 400 of the heat off flashes and night sweats. In addition, this aging vitamin (e) ensure that, when the folds and the best.

Fourth Stop smoking. When you stop, if you smoke. The big 'no' to pregnant women, this will have on the health of your child. Pregnant women smoke to pass through the blood contained potentially harmful cigarettes to children. In a recent study, women smokers are more susceptible to diseases show male smokers. Women and smoking increase the risk of breast cancer. The decline in drinking water.

The fifth year of your daily routine included. After work, you can use the stairs instead of the elevator and go when you have someone to play at home. The time to go to the gym, especially the year, if not at home, it is effective, we want to lose weight. Yoga, Pilates is that you can do some exercises more effectively at home. Exercise can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sixth avoid stress. focus, rather, too many women. Stress is known to cause many diseases. Take could be done to minimize the amount of time. , A good book to read, play sports and be with friends. Spoil yourself by going to bars, buy o. And please do not forget to sleep, enough energy to recover.

Seventh using sunscreen protects skin against harmful UV rays. To protect the skin into the hat. Too much sun is bad for your skin. The skin will be very useful for exposure of cancer. The woman, then I am more rapid development of aging skin cells.

8th Please consult your dentist to maintain a beautiful smile. Cleaned and permanently prevent cavities and bad breath.

Gynaecologist ninth go. 18 or more each year a woman must be a physical examination, especially smear. This is a radiograph of puberty is completed, have not yet achieved self-breast examination once, and to encourage women to be open 40

10th It is strongly recommended, the stronger sex. The use of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction treatment to the problem of erectile dysfunction in men

Brings home belonging to malfunction higher levels of stress, fatigue and lifestyle and irregular, and described use of drugs and other health facilities for treatment of erectile health.

Erectile dysfunction is a matter of time, men can be treated with anti-deficit require these kinds of drugs and Levitra. One of the newest drugs, the same way as Viagra and Cialis will work.

About Levitra - Levitra and what is the product

Levitra is an oral medication prescribed for doctor who treated the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. The large pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Klein, manufactures, and to remedy the situation and sold under the brand name Levitra title.

Levitra may be necessary, in consultation with your doctor, this drug only on prescription from the doctor is the health. These medical and technical guidelines of the possibility of significant results among the people.

Who can Levitra - easily qualify for Levitra

Can only men who suffer from erection problems requires Levitra. It is not safe for use in women and young children. Many medical tests show that erectile dysfunction, Levitra is safe for use in men with health situations, and these forms of diabetes, large amounts of cholesterol and high blood pressure.

People who take drugs men with nitrate elements must now clearly swallow, to control the service Levitra, because it can lead to significant achievements in the face. As a result of this reaction can range from a minimum of stress in the blood, which can vary be unsafe.

Arrival in power

Come in the order Levitra Tablet PC, which can be obtained in the strength of 5 mg mg, 2.5 mg, 10 mg and 20. You should only at the guidelines, the physician for the proposed dose of Cialis stick.

You can take Levitra with a dose of H2O. In addition, at least more than one dose of Levitra in also lead to important results.

Substances Levitra

The main component in Levitra is a solution for the situation, it serves as a barrier PDE5. Works by a focus on the open blood vessels in the penis and in the vicinity of the final results in the organization of fresh blood in and out of the penis. Thus, the erection companies in the final result.

You can not get an erection until you finally sexually stimulated. Even if the service of Levitra, you can have a sexual stimulation and the use of Levitra improve not just sex. , An anti-deficiency is not an aphrodisiac

The effects of facet Levitra

All prescribed medication has discussed a number of effects on the user's face, the results of Levitra in the mirror. The results of a typical component of Levitra has a headache, runny nose, and redness of the face. Nevertheless, these results are generally nice and will disappear in just a handful of hours.

If these symptoms are expected to use the drug Levitra finale for a longer period of time, you really should immediately prescribe the examination and discussion of health care to a physician, therapeutic drugs to try.

It is noted by some customers of problems like Levitra are visually impaired or defect in the pale of imagination and the invisible world. In the event of such signs and symptoms appear, to the end user really needs immediate advice from a doctor.

If consumption of the final results Levitra in erection longer than 4 hours, identified as priapism lasts, you should talk to the doctor. This problem has infected penis and operators of critical problems.

Availability of Levitra

Nations took a lot to sell the use of Levitra. Approved by the FDA for the treatment of erectile dysfunction medicine in the United States. Agreed with the European Union (EU) is the drug for use in several European countries.

Alternatively, Levitra on the web. Many pharmacies now on the internet, and Levitra, market price, provided they comply with the recommendations, as approved by the government.

This method is proved Levitra Buy Internet are changing, powerful, and your business is a good time. Do not have a waiting list before local pharmacies to get the medicine. Everything you need to do is to sell for a real sources on the Internet that Levitra and make some kind of assessment, relying on all of your data to look for previous illnesses. This helps the doctor of your form, a decision will consider the approval of Levitra often on your input.

stop snoring during sleep

There are a lot of question marks, if you caused about snoring, for example, that the snoring is not something to do with health, snoring is caused by improper breathing, snoring or snoring are not part of blood in connection with emotions. Why snoring is not a problem with men? Snoring is in fact an important issue and should be discussed in earnest. Judging the idea in society is responsible for the snoring men for snoring.

What is snoring?

Men can think of snoring, is a question of interest to talk about it. Some people have a common idea that snoring is a condition of the state of the body such as the times that you are very tired and exhausted that they fall on the bed, because your daily activities so long. There may be other reasons, even begins to snore at night. Snoring can be a feeling that most of the men unconscious for the rest of the night and a good sleep, or the result of the release of snoring exhaustion.

Types of snoring

While in the first place on the night of heavy day of activities that make the body tired at night during sleep causing snoring. Mentioned types of snoring, snoring in his sleep at night, snoring and sleep at any time of day, and snoring, while closing the mouth, and shows that there is a problem in the tongue, and the snoring is open during oral and show that there is a problem in the throat, and snoring while lying on his back, the problem of bad shows and snoring during sleep in every situation seems serious is growing problem, snoring at night during sleep, known as snoring habits of the ordinary.

The most common causes of snoring

Male hormones are more active and restless of the hormones estrogen women. Snoring is caused by male hormones out of your control, the man has no power over him snore. Testosterone is one of the factors that make people snore. When the air is inhaled and exhaled quickly, blocking the pathways that lead to the throat to vibrate tissue and snoring. If a person has asthma, the airways will narrow each breath, as they happen.

Controlled and uncontrolled factors of snoring

What foods we snore?

Fatty foods and obviously when it comes to snoring. Try from the list if you want to prevent a vegetarian out snoring. Milk products can be a cause of snoring. Or in some cases more than once, and a dinner with the family, just incredible, but this is also the moment that it happens too much.

Tips on how to prevent your weight and eating habits maintain Snoring

If you find it difficult to self-discipline when it comes to food, to buy the temptation to eat snacks in the passage 4, is then maybe you should just skip the corridor, while on the market, and not have to worry about snoring. The temptations of fast food is very difficult to grasp, because if you run a shift in your head and see, you have now. Use to think smaller bowls and plates and trick your body, your normal full-size ratio in-one service instead of a bowl full of food to eat size ratio.

What do you do when you are heavy snoring?

To stop snoring, whether it is possible to try to sleep on your side when you lie in bed and work out instead sleep is sleep flat on his back side as it was certainly reduce the chances of you snoring in his sleep. If you try to stop snoring, and also helps clear the nose. If people have a lot of snoring, which is a severe form of snoring. Be alert and vigilant, and also because you can actually help to heal completely from snoring.

High blood pressure in children cause cognitive impairment

And cases of hypertension in children is caused by a disruption of cognitive function. This disorder is a decreased ability to use knowledge of the pediatric patients compared to children who are old-normal blood pressure to digest. And so the completion of researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), New York, United States, recently announced.

Based on the results of the study, children who suffer from high blood pressure tend to slow growth in the increase in motor activity (ADHD) have. Disrupting the activities of the reasons why children are not uncommon, and tend to excess, is often mistaken to be autistic.

"Although ex post, in addition to these results evidence of a link between high blood pressure with cognitive impairment," said Assistant Professor Heather R. Adams URMC.

Triclosan affect sexual function

Proven products such as anti-bacterial liquid soap and oil to avoid adverse effects on the body. And discovered the truth accidentally by Professor Rolf Haden and a team from the University of Arizona, United States, which at that time and check the anti-bacterial products to the benefits of the use of these products maximize.

In the study, as reported by Medindia, and found that triclosan and antibiotics in the product triclocarban proven harmful effects. And each of the complex affects the endocrine system and sexual function and development of the nervous system. Antibakteria product also has the tendency to explore the development of super bacteria in the body that would provide health risk to users.

Can not the harmful effects of anti-bacterial products can only be felt by the human body, the area can also be imbalance. Triclosan and triclocarban proved that flowed through the ditch and landed on the ground is hard to describe. Each of these vehicles to prevent water and other elements to enter the country, that will result in the destruction of soil structure and microbial destruction of life.

Garlic can help treat high blood pressure or hypertension

Garlic can help treat high blood pressure or hypertension is referred to. And therefore the results of a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Adelaide, Australia, recently.

The study included 50 patients suffering from blood pressure problems. The patients were then given a capsule of garlic supplements every day. After 12 weeks the patient showed a lower blood pressure than ever before.

Is not only good for blood pressure, this study also found other uses of garlic. Garlic has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels.

Rumours that garlic can help the problem of high blood pressure has long been circulating in the community. Our study is the first study to assess the effects of garlic as a complementary treatment for patients with a consumption of antihypertensive drugs, "the official said was quoted on the study that says Karin Reed Sea News, Thursday.

Results are expected to assist in the treatment of high blood pressure published in medical journals adulthood.

Why Popeye Eat Spinach?

Would anyone know Popeye, a cartoon character as a sailor dibambarkan strong. That a great power, suddenly every time eat a can of spinach. Would greatly benefit from spinach?

The work of imagination, of course, there is nothing wrong if the animation a bit dramatic effects eating spinach. Bob is in normal condition has the position of small and wiry, in a flash able to fight Brutus, who bodied the main enemy is far greater after eating spinach.

Popeye cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar, introduced in the form of comic strip in 1929 in early. And quickly, this number is also indicated pipe tobacco chewing always successfully achieved popularity during the 1930s.

In those days, Popeye and fees are part of a campaign to eat vegetables among children. Despite the fact that contains many nutrients, and vegetables are less fortunate by children because it is considered bad.

Was quoted by the BBC on Sunday (05/30/2010), spinach and rich content of vitamins is very different from A to K. It also contains many minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Spinach also contains other nutrients such as essential amino acids different fibers. Fiber contained in spinach can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

Although the clinical trials not many, and spinach are believed to overcome some health problems such as:

1. Purify the blood after birth
2. Strengthening the hair roots
3. Prevention of low blood pressure
4. Prevent anemia (anemia)
5. Prevention of renal failure

Some people even think that spinach is also effective for:

1. Prevention of low visibility
2. Prevention of cataracts
3. Prevention of cancer.

Can be made through the cartoons and said the campaign to succeed, because the consumption of spinach in the United States recorded an increase to 33 percent when the popular cartoon Bob the Sea and explosives that. However, there are interesting rumors, hidden behind this campaign.

Associated with rumors choose spinach Popeye secret weapon. There are many vegetables or other fruits are also rich in nutrients, but the creators chose spinach as the 'fuel' for this brave sailor.

Assumes that the reason for the historical wrongs on the amount of iron content in spinach. In 1870, and scientist named Dr. E.. Wolf von missed a comma when writing the content of iron in spinach. This error causes the excessive belief about the benefits of spinach.

No one knows the errors until 70 years later, when Popeye was already eating spinach. In those days before it was discovered that iron content in the vegetables and only one tenth, which was written by Dr. Wolf.

But he denied these rumors by Dr. Mike Sutton, and scientists are trying to track the error-related content of iron in food Popeye preferred. He noted in conclusion, published in the Journal of Internet Ciminology year 2009, was not enough evidence for the existence of these errors.

D. Sutton calls it, has been chosen not because spinach contains iron, but because the vitamin A-rich. Whatever it is, and consumed many of the spinach and other vegetables will not continue to provide health benefits. Congratulations to eat spinach

To be hooked Children Eat Vegetables

Vegetables contain many nutrients and important, but the reason that most children do not like it? It needs the right strategy for this is that children love and are accustomed to eating vegetables, Pop Idol has also provided a letter.

Bob the Sea is a cartoon character that has been popular since the era of 1930s. The emergence of eating vegetables in many cases advertising between children in those days, there are the characters as shown spinach makes a very strong relationship in a flash.

Showed a researcher from Mahidol University in Bangkok, how to use multimedia advertising and highly effective in increasing vegetable consumption of children. In one experiment, which lasted for eight weeks, and she plays a series of Bob on the edge of the lunch period students in kindergarten.

In view of the behavior of the god, vegetables, fruit and vulnerable children in increase double after joining the program. In addition to the parents and also stated that the kindergarten students feel proud to have been consumed vegetables for lunch at school.

Led by Professor Chutima Sirikulchayanonta study acknowledges, is "animated film" is not the only factor decisive. Because in the experiment, he put a variety of interactive programs such as:

1 Ask students to grow vegetables together
2 Party held a garden with a list of vegetables and fruits
3 tutorials to cook soup disciples.

What can parents in the home, and give Mr. Chutima make observations about some of the things that children eat more and more like vegetables. Daily Quotes of science, and on Sunday (08/08/2010), and some of the records as follows:

1 sitting next to children who eat vegetables, then moved a sense of something special to eat in the same list will make the child
2 tasting flavors of fruits and vegetables is to know a fun way for children to various types of food
3 steps to involve children in the preparation of meals, ranging from spare emncuci and vegetables will grow a mixture of spices, to assess the taste of food in children.

Arrange enough breath, Lame People can do anything

Paralyzed does not mean you can not do anything. As long as men can breathe paralyzed can do anything you do not still, even with blowing air only.

Modern technology can change the self come to the electrical signals can move him to a wheelchair, and even the cursor on the computer.

These techniques take advantage of the soft tissue in the palate, which is controlled by the cranial nerves (brain). This nerve is the most protection, to continue to work in spite of a very severe injury.

In addition to communicate with the palate, is also associated with the nerve itself with the eyelid so that it can control the flash. For this reason, most people still suffering total paralysis invitation to connect by blinking his eyes.

By exploiting the presence of these nerves, a professor of neurobiology, named Noam Sobel Weizmann Institute of Technology is designed to help people with paralysis. Blowing people controlled through the palate, and then captured by the sensors are transmitted to a device electrically.

Ninemsn quoted on Tuesday (june 27, 2010), and the device is in the form of small kanula in the form of hose on the tank of oxygen. Placed in front of the nostrils, and then connected to a pressure sensor that works to change the self to come to electrical signals.

When tested on women who was paralyzed by a stroke in the seven months before the tool is working correctly. Within three weeks, they can use to write on the computer.

Conducted tests on a man suffering paralysis for 18 years, and can only communicate with the flash of the eye. Need to adjust only for 20 minutes, he can use this tool to write his name.

Meanwhile, 10 healthy people a chance to try this tool can move in a wheelchair through a maze with the remote control (remote control). This can be done the same thing by male patients 30 years), who was paralyzed from the neck down six years ago.

Sobel, said the professor, to breathe now control equipment is still in development stage. If it can be mass-produced, he estimates it would be very affordable price that between 10-20 U.S. dollars.

Pregnant women and the impact of diabetes in children

women with diabetes during pregnancy is still healthy babies. But if the diabetes can not be controlled well, it is expected that there will be serious consequences can be owned by the child.

Diabetes occurs in pregnant women because of pregnancy hormones in her body makes insulin more difficult to use, so that the pancreas and to work more seriously.

For pregnant women with pancreatitis can work well, then the condition will not be a problem pregnancy. But when the pancreas can not meet the demand for insulin, and can increase blood sugar levels so as to cause diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).

Most of the diabetes disappears after the birth of the child, although the risks are higher when women are pregnant for over again.

Quoted from the status of the child, on Tuesday (july 10, 2010) there is some impact on the child if he is diabetic pregnant women:

1. And can increase blood sugar and insulin levels cause the child and more fat, especially in the upper body so that it carries little weight.

This condition is called makrosomia and the possibility of having a child is too big to be born through a natural process even more by caesarean section.

Some time after the birth of the child, there is a possibility of the child and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This is due to the body produces too much insulin is still in response to the high amount of glucose of the mother.

If doctors know that his mother had gestational diabetes, will be tested newborns for blood sugar levels by taking a drop of blood from the heel of the child. If the levels were low, so I will be breastfeeding the child, but if the child is very severe due to the possibility of solving IV glucose.

2. Infants exposed to greater risk of jaundice (yellow), polycuthemia (increase the number of red blood cells in the blood) and hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the blood).

3. Can be affected if control of blood sugar levels are bad, there is the possibility of heart function in infants.

4. While pregnant women at risk twice higher than the pre-eclampsia.

Gestational diabetes generally has no specific symptoms. This is why almost all pregnant women need to make sure the levels of glucose in the 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. If the result is a positive show, there is a need then the percentage of sugar in the blood and to maintain good control of the meal.

Pregnant women are vulnerable if they have diabetes, overweight, have a history of previous gestational diabetes or have a history of diabets strong in the family.

Jogging does not make a slim

London, For heart health, the benefits of jogging is no need to doubt. However, to reduce fat and weight, it is not an effective way. Why jogging is hard to make a slim?

Here is an explanation of why the body remained obese despite jogging every day.

Constant movement during the jogging including aerobic activity that can strengthen the heart and respiratory muscles. Impact on health, breathing became more healthy and long cardiac pressure down so that the risk of hypertension decreased.

However, to burn fat, jogging less effective. The body will only process the fat into energy if you need the calories obtained from sugar and carbohydrates are not sufficient.

One way to reduce fat is through exercise. Jogging is a sport that requires lots of energy, so much to do with the expectation of energy reserves in the form of fat will be burned with
more efficient.

In fact, some people fail to lose weight despite diligent jogging every day. Diameter, waist circumference was also not diminished, even calves that actually go bigger.

"The body is like the best machine that constantly adapts to anything. The more often you're jogging, the body will be more prepared for the next jog," said Greg Brokes, a fitness instructor in London, quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (27/07/2010).

Frequent jogging is done, according to Greg will only cause metabolime energy becomes more efficient. Adaptation is performed by the body the energy needed to make more and more slightly so that not a lot of calories burned.

That is like this, when first jogging jogging energy needed to have enough to eat. But over time the body would adjust.

Foods that are eaten with the same portion was only a few are needed for a jog. This also means more calories are burned a little because your body has to adjust.

In addition to not effectively lose weight, jogging is also not good for the joints. When run, the joints will be used as a base of 2.5 times the weight of the weight so vulnerable to injury.

Added by Greg, joints are most prone to attack is the acute pain due to an ankle jogging (angkle) and the knee. The more often experience repeated pressure, the faster these joints wear out.

Greg opinion of course contrary to the common view that many people believed. During this time, jogging is considered as a sport that can increase your metabolism so effective for weight loss.

There Are Three Unique Human Hair

Nice to have hair care and attractive person, especially women. But beneath the beauty, and transforms hair to save a bit 'only secret. Something?

Human hair is a simple structure made of keratin and dead skin cells. Poetry helps prevent heat loss from the top of someone.

But behind its simplicity, and the hair is nothing complex. AskMen quoted from Saturday (July 18, 2010), and after three facts unique hair that was not known to many people:

1. Hair can clean spills oil in water

Cosco Busan in 2007 in San Francisco, and a group of volunteers using eco-friendly mats made from human hair to clean up the beach. This is not surprising, because the hair can absorb oil and water, and can act as natural sponges.

2. Can be used as a human hair amino acids in soybean production

Search for a lock of hair in the food and, of course, can ruin your appetite. But what if, spices, or foods made from hair?

Internet Official reports of toxins, soy sauce soy sauce Hongshuai, and society in China, and marketing products using the latest biotechnology to lower prices. This, of course, makes their products become very popular.

But the result of investigations and the media, said the company does not use amino acids derived from soy and wheat, but the amino acids derived from hair collected from barber shop and hair.

3. The red-haired foreign

There is a conspiracy theory, which states that people with red hair is a strange hybrid between human beings. This sounds crazy, but people with red hair have differences in the structure of biological weapons.

Physicians should be prepared to undergo a special birth Red. This is because the blood of women with red hair is harder to block, so is bleeding.

In addition, people with red hair have the smallest amount of hair, which is about 90 000 units compared to blond or brown hair, which amounted to 140,000 pieces.

Various forms of vitamin B

Vitamin needed to maintain the performance of a function of the body B is a large number of groups. number of different processes for each vitamin necessary. B-vitamins do not provide enough healthy blood groups without the disease and carry a wide variety of diseases. You need vitamins properly distributed brain, heart and mind and health, food, function, vitamin B-vitamins are always prevent a variety of foods in Group B required. In fact, the only requirement for all institutions and processes in the body of B vitamins at least one form of

State of thiamin, B1, vitamin B-colonial, and especially in nerve cells that work well. It is a memory and overall mental health is particularly important for the vitamins necessary to convert food into energy for a number.

B2 or riboflavin, vitamin B, which is not absorbed from the diet is essential; release. The B vitamins to grow properly without the development of the colony of red blood cells can not be healthy or she needs.

B3 or niacin, vitamin B is more than 50 transactions, which are chemicals that produce hormones, the release of energy from food to detoxify involved.

Acid, pantothenic acid or B5, works in many B-complex vitamins, fat and energy, vitamins (protein, carbohydrates and break, many other important processes b), there are vitamins (s) is a series of hormones, red blood cells needed.

Pyridoxine or B6, vitamin is responsible for creating more than 5,000 proteins, amino acids the body needs for redistribution, especially in the group of vitamin B, B and 1-1 in two forms of the enzyme.

Biotin, a vitamin B7 or (Ib), the number of processes in the body fat as energy, including the possible involvement of carbohydrates and protein.

B9 or folic acid, vitamin cell growth and division B, to support a pregnancy, in particular. This B vitamin is also necessary to control the appetite mood of natural chemicals and quality of sleep. The best vitamin B complex, is to reduce the possibility of heart attacks and strokes, is still open.

Cobalamin or vitamin B12, vitamin B 1 is one of the two groups, carbohydrates, proteins are important in the process of converting fat into energy. The B vitamins are essential for blood cells, the formation of protective layer neurons maintained to prevent heart disease.

The Importance of the 12 B vitamin for body

Vitamins A, B - vitamins necessary to maintain a healthy body is one of the group B 12. Known as cobalamin, vitamin b 12 energy needs the operation to convert carbohydrates, fats and foods rich in protein. 12 b also, more importantly, to maintain healthy red blood cells of the immune system and thus obtain a border to prevent heart disease as a useful work. It is also used B - 12 to create a protective layer of nerve cells in the body.

12 (b) the main characteristics of healthy red blood cells. However, there is everything necessary to maintain healthy cells 12. These white blood cells, and that 12 (b) the need to ensure that the immune system is functioning properly. fatty acids, 12, a protective coating of nerve cells in the body form also requires each b. It is important that all the nerves, if there are enough 12 "is not particularly the brain and (b), the brain does not function properly, which creates a protective layer.

Interestingly, 12 b height, the body must be relatively small, there is no need for regularity. But enough with my body at 12 is not easy because you can not take. gastric body to generate 12 b 12 b factor can be absorbed more absorbent. However, the liver, eggs and food of animal origin such as meat, fish, and 12 B Most people have found so far and 12 (b) if incorporated, 11:30 consumed only as a question of the body, consuming the recommended daily dose Masen. The body is 12 recycling reduces the effects of B12 deficiency can be observed. If you do not consume animal products contained in it, a strict vegetarian or vegan hours 12 b 12 b may have

Full-12 (b) the absence of anemia is the most prominent symptom. It is this fact clear enough to make red blood cells 12 b are not. The factors underlying poor blood from the body B can not be created for the absorption of 12 is produced in food consumption.

The benefits of multivitamin supplements

Most of the people and give them all the vitamins you need is not enough to have a balanced diet, leading to a boom in the production of a multi-vitamin guide. multivitamin tablets, various forms of supplements containing liquid capsules. Of course, the most obvious benefit of taking vitamins and supplements are useful. It is easily one multivitamin contains all the necessary vitamins compared to many people an individual to take. It is difficult, because it can take many vitamins, such as children, especially single dose of a multivitamin that is, complements much easier. Of course, liquid multivitamin, your child the most appropriate and mineral supplements you are taking a traditional pill in the form of difficulties.

As the increased availability of different brands of multivitamins, multivitamin actual content. Some multivitamins is the name of the food, just a bit embarrassing for many people who do not need. Still, use the number of multi-vitamins to make a decision to create an add for some people. For example, some aimed at children, and vitamin supplements. This multi-vitamins are the property of their adult children of certain nutrients, the need to develop properly. And their nutritional needs of pregnant women, children receive the necessary food, vitamins and multi undoubtedly will serve as preparation for pregnancy. We complement our age, to receive elderly people with different needs for multiple nutrients and vitamins, is also widely used product.

This is called the content of a multivitamin before a large number of consumers. If the absorption of several vitamins many possible toxic content, and some multivitamins can be more easily can cause are ignored. You can spend a day should be placed on the actual percentage of the recommended daily amount of vitamin in the world by taking a multivitamin and entries are judged is clear. If you are looking for professional medical advice before taking a multivitamin is always the advantage of Thereis question content

Intake Of Vitamins In Health Food

It is known that the consumption of good food vitamin essential to human health. Healthy eating is the production of good food vitamin recommended daily dose of vitamin considering that most Federal Drug Administration. These numbers are a person's age, sex, depending on other factors, health food and some vitamins, young women are so different that the man of 70 years of age.

The consumption of certain foods, vitamins, health products are included in nutritional information. These symptoms are important, find people of their food, they can ensure that the health of vitamin intake from food in the right place. Those looking for good food nutrition information vitamin is the amount of recommended daily intake as a percentage of vitamins and minerals you can appreciate the value of food.

The number of food items as part of a healthy diet and vitamins and may be limited. In addition, certain foods, to discover that this content is high, the labeling of foods that are not needed can help. It is not the exclusive vitamin, fat and salt, eat well, for example, as part of the Vitamin Health wants a reduction factor to consider. They are producers of food and vitamins of the word if you know it, most people relate to the fact that nutrition is a metal or another element is looking for someone to use the examination of vitamin health food stores. fiber optic cables, other factors have good food vitamin health education as an important part of a balanced diet than most humans.

~ If you pay your limit of diet, for whatever reason, great attention to healthy eating needs vitamin delicious. Sure, it can eat something, eat a variety of other nutrients such as vitamins, which when applied, do not despair certain foods that contain vitamin health food stores can be achieved. The vitamin supplements may not have an integral part of good health food vitamins for those who can vitamins from normal food. It is interesting that someone in their lives through health, eating right vitamins for general health.

Benefits of fish oil for health and fitness

When a word is mentioned, the fat tends to cover a health-conscious people are working. Not acknowledging the good fats and bad fats and there. The total dietary fat to prevent, in fact - not an advantage - for your health.

Truth About Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids are part of our daily bread all the time - must, if we use our death near a step. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 essential fatty acids and essential fatty acids Omega - 3.

But only a distinction between the two groups of essential fatty acids to one another, the difference is very, essential fatty acids, eat a lot of studying - ω-6, you said that the inflammation causes the blood to clot , tumor growth. The good news is that if the opposite is the case, the essential fatty acids - Omega-3. You can find omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oils from oil to feed other fish omega-3 fatty acids obtained.

Omega 6, Omega-3
Doctors and scientists agree, heart disease and high blood pressure or hypertension, obesity, diabetes, reason for the higher incidence of premature skin aging as well as Omega 3 and Omega-6 fatty acid essential to balance certain cancer, we know that the dose

As mentioned earlier in the day, you can find omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oils. This includes corn oil and soybean meal are not suitable for oils, contain large amounts of linoleic acid is limited. Can be found in omega-3 essential fatty acids on the opposite side and marine plankton and walnut and flaxseed oil. fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid from fish oil, fish should be large and take notes (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which contains fatty acids, it was noted that many benefits to humans. In early 1970, according to a study of the Eskimos of Greenland and the main reason for higher fat foods for heart disease (pain, especially fish).

They are essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA can also be easily arteries, heart attacks, depression can be effective in preventing hardening of the various forms of cancer. Fish oil is also included arthritis, diabetes, proven nutritional supplements in the treatment of Raynaud's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Other benefits of fish oil
demonstrated many diseases and conditions, you can take fish oil in very handy.

Heart Health Check
This is one of the most important part of the body is without doubt one of hearts, you will receive the life is not just a healthy heart. Of course it is for fish that contain oil, eating is a way, this and our hearts happy and healthy habit of doing in our interest.

Athens, Greece, for example, have been performed show a direct relationship between high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels, if the search. The results show that C is a mermaid eating another reactive protein and interleukin-6, low-level factors are used to measure the possibility of general and vascular inflammation. These benefits remained even when they eat fish with high combined a number of risks in mind.

Fish thinning
established Perth, Australia, research that high blood pressure and obesity, consumption of fish are used. Researchers UWA (University of Western Australia) from the diet, found that weight loss can improve glucose tolerance and are effective in lowering blood pressure normal eating fish a lot.

Fish oil to control asthma
People with respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as abnormal and inappropriate. Good to know now, several studies have shown that people with asthma, the benefits of weight of fish oil. According to statistics, about 20 children to 25% today, indicating that at some point suffer from one form or another life asthma. The evidence is clear that the reason some of the regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content.

University of Washington (University of Wyoming), the normal distribution, while other researchers to conduct studies on the number of children a diet of fish at high level. Ate a result, fish, most participants are less prone to asthma attacks, said the same breath easier.

Nutrition Now products
May be harmful to certain types of full equality to avoid excessive consumption of food or use the weather is good. Please ask nutritionists, the right amount of fish consumption for your age and health status obtained.

Various forms of vitamin B

Vitamin needed to maintain the performance of a function of the body B is a large number of groups. number of different processes for each vitamin necessary. B-vitamins do not provide enough healthy blood groups without the disease and carry a wide variety of diseases. You need vitamins properly distributed brain, heart and mind and health, food, function, vitamin B-vitamins are always prevent a variety of foods in Group B required. In fact, the only requirement for all institutions and processes in the body of B vitamins at least one form of

State of thiamin, B1, vitamin B-colonial, and especially in nerve cells that work well. It is a memory and overall mental health is particularly important for the vitamins necessary to convert food into energy for a number.

B2 or riboflavin, vitamin B, which is not absorbed from the diet is essential; release. The B vitamins to grow properly without the development of the colony of red blood cells can not be healthy or she needs.

B3 or niacin, vitamin B is more than 50 transactions, which are chemicals that produce hormones, the release of energy from food to detoxify involved.

Acid, pantothenic acid or B5, works in many B-complex vitamins, fat and energy, vitamins (protein, carbohydrates and break, many other important processes b), there are vitamins (s) is a series of hormones, red blood cells needed.

Pyridoxine or B6, vitamin is responsible for creating more than 5,000 proteins, amino acids the body needs for redistribution, especially in the group of vitamin B, B and 1-1 in two forms of the enzyme.

Biotin, a vitamin B7 or (Ib), the number of processes in the body fat as energy, including the possible involvement of carbohydrates and protein.

B9 or folic acid, vitamin cell growth and division B, to support a pregnancy, in particular. This B vitamin is also necessary to control the appetite mood of natural chemicals and quality of sleep. The best vitamin B complex, is to reduce the possibility of heart attacks and strokes, is still open.

Cobalamin or vitamin B12, vitamin B 1 is one of the two groups, carbohydrates, proteins are important in the process of converting fat into energy. The B vitamins are essential for blood cells, the formation of protective layer neurons maintained to prevent heart disease.

Vitamins and Minerals

Most vitamins are made with natural materials instead of chemicals to metal. But the ever increasing demand, additional vitamins natural mineral water. This can be comfortable and harmful chemicals minerals and vitamins in the long term, because if there is much talk.

The truth is that vitamins and minerals, the chemistry is not easily absorbed as a particle of food normally. vitamin mineral industry products are transformed into the body to create always easy, because the effort is more convenient.

Now and then vitamins and minerals for the manufacture of ships, "the new dynamic form is available. Many of the vitamins, minerals, and fly to develop a combination of vitamins and minerals, other elements that can be easily absorbed by the body. Normal mineral iron, vitamins combine to form gluconic acid to absorb iron.

The amount is much higher in nutritional supplements of vitamins and minerals should be able to take most of the body needed to absorb naturally. Of course this is a high dose of vitamin A toxic levels of foods that can lead to absorption problems, especially mineral supplements you need. Therefore, each person is simply the vitamin is important for a lot of minerals that you should seek professional medical advice from advertising and television. The group has always been the best development should recognize the development of new vitamin expansion of the metallurgical industry.

should include assistance to raw materials through the cultivation of yeast cells and producers of vitamins, minerals developed form. And vitamin mineral and the food was "as you know, absorb, if necessary, completely solved this type of yeast and nutrients easily up to four times the body.

Of course, the need for vitamins or minerals in person Sapurimentodaietto. Because food as it is, as far as possible in a much better way to get the nutrients you need to take is to add vitamins and minerals, no doubt. Who needs a certain period of time may temporarily take vitamin and mineral supplements is not recommended for long term use.

Taking a Vitamin Supplement

There are a number of essential vitamins that the body needs to function properly and it is possible to take these in the form f a vitamin supplement. Most people do not have a balanced diet, may lose some vitamins that are found not deficient in essential vitamins vitamin for further assistance. experts in nutrition, health and technicians are the best placed to give advice on vitamins and supplements, you should take. This addition is to obtain professional advice before taking vitamins. people can produce enough food and vitamins, but if you eat it, because there are vitamins be toxic if you have lots of vitamins that can not consume enough.

Some groups may need five people for many types of vitamins than others. vegetarian vitamin, not only in animal foods frequently, such as vitamin supplements are the ideal solution to this problem. Vegetarian, the manufacture of certain vitamins, you should be aware, and products of animal origin, it is important to read labels for them. Synthetic vitamins Many products are available for the plant can lead to food needs, not against their beliefs.

And often, the needs of children, vitamin supplements, especially because they are too young. In the early years of his life, many children do not eat enough variety of foods, vitamin supplements, which can help offset the lack of this type. Regarding children long cancer, breast and possibly as a vitamin supplement if necessary as a source for the supply of nutrients can not be selected for each woman, recommends wrapping food. Most infant milk formula, supplemented with vitamins to prevent the need for extra vitamins. Concern about the intake of vitamins and health professionals have a baby or is important to ensure that describes how to find the right solution for them.

People may have to take your vitamins, people with certain illnesses or diseases, or the elderly and other groups. The body of vitamins are often not able to compensate consumers for the recommended daily intake of certain vitamins through their normal diet

Benefits of Liquid Vitamins

Benefits of vitamins and minerals liquid vitamins may include in the body in several ways. Enter into our body through the food we eat first. Secondly, we can limit the amount of vitamin vitamins and minerals related. It absorbs liquid in one of the drugs most commonly committed by different methods. Liquid vitamins do not exceed the benefits of their deficits - What is what? Read on to find out. children Liquid vitamins taste worst form of chewable tablets, vitamins may taste because it is absorbed more easily absorb
better or easier still. Children are in many cases, problems swallowing include only medicines and vitamins in this form can not breathe and suffocated. This is not just a problem of power
same jaw, lost control easy to digest, which does not exist as a liquid or not.
liquid vitamins are more effective, because its form is actually
, liquid vitamins, vitamins can be absorbed directly into the blood systematically from an average of about 98-90 percent, the rate of absorption. The 3-concentration is five times more vitamin supplements, biological activity and therapeutic higher. Between antioxidants and vitamins containing liquid
This link, vitamins, liquid oxidizer, either? Vitamin C and vitamin E are generally the sample liquid vitamins, antioxidants, found, what? Yes
answer is absolutely. liquid vitamin supplements, you do not really need to include antioxidants to be valid, to prove that, compared to other vitamins. The most important antioxidants of all remember - Vitamins C and E - so rooted in our food, which must be produced by the body internally. Antioxidants, the most important protection against the harmful effects of oxidation. Antioxidants are our best weapons against suffering from any form of cancer in humans. Without him, we have health practices. Liquid vitamins and digestive acids,
why people refuse to take the benefits of liquid vitamins recognize because of destruction by digestive acids do not recognize all the vitamins and minerals as part of digestion. On the contrary, in fact, true. Our digestive system can absorb liquid vitamins and minerals in the form of tablets or capsules, instead of actually.
completely before vitamin pills and tablets should be to absorb the benefits of the human body. We nutrients, or up to 30% absorbed needs to break the question of what the human body. Liquid vitamins and good offers, the simplicity of the digestive system. Then directly into the body, mechanical digestion, an estimated 90% of all does not depend on being absorbed by the method.
But it is important to remember the destruction of vitamins and minerals is not the first book I digestion of the material used to improve the general constitution of the body are converted. Liquid vitamins
: so toxic? Another problem is referred to the amount found in liquid vitamins
colloidal minerals. But whether or not dangerous?
In fact, even plants and fruits, the traces of these minerals. It is one of the most important elements of wealth in the face of the earth, Apple will be found, for example, contains 3-5 mg of aluminum. But if you do not listen to those that Apple is hazardous to your health? In contrast, Apple is likely to hear that today keeps the doctor away. be
and liquid vitamins. The colloidal minerals, including our health is a shame that not immediately. colloidal minerals, in particular, is a natural element that can not be avoided should be adjusted accordingly.
have the option at the end of the day you
However, even if it is still liquid or solid, or do not want to take vitamins. What really matters is, ultimately, the best way to work for you.

Eat a healthy diet for vegetarians

Can a vegetarian diet to be a very healthy
To eat. The system is not kept in force for healthy food
However, you should add variety, balance and moderation.

Vegetarian is a person who avoids all meat,
Is it the hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken or fish.
Vegetarians are also sometimes classified by type of
The foods you eat or not ready. For example,
And Lacto - ovo - Vegetarians avoid animal flesh, but
To eat eggs and dairy products. The vegetation
On the other side to avoid all traces of food
Animal origin.

Why not eat meet, vegetarians are often
We ask how to get enough protein. Although you can
I do not see the average American consumes in fact
More protein than needed now. Company Lacto - ovo
Vegetarians are an excellent source of dairy products
Proteins. Vegans on the other side is the protein that
Nuts, seeds and soy products.

Like beans, there are many options to choose from
Sources, including green or red lentils, peanuts, divided
The peas, pinto beans, soybeans, and kidney, and more. Some of them
You are familiar with, such as beans, coffee
Chili and beans in Mexican dishes, red beans and
Rice, beans, Pinto. Although some beans taste
So, and some are available in different flavors
To improve the way you want. Nuts are Hihg protein
Despite providing much more fat and beans, which
It means that you should enjoy in moderation. Knowledge
One cup of cooked beans, you get the same amount
Also treated with 2 ounces of meat protein!

Food items of interest to vegetarians who avoid all types of
Animal foods, vitamin B12, calcium and vitamin D.
Normal diet in North America, the main source of
B12 is for animals. To ensure an adequate supply of vitamin B12,
Vegans should regularly consume vitamin B12 supplements or
Foods that contain vitamin B12, such as soy products
Or milk.

Leave for calcium, vegetarians may be orange juice or soy
The milk, which arises with calcium. Bean
Leafy vegetables contain calcium, and some

Although all types of vegetarian diet is simple
Groups and the control of the vitamins and calcium
You should always do something. This is very important
Eat well and stay healthy. If you
Watch what you eat, many years of health
Food for you.

Healthy eating for students

For students, eating at school is an entirely new
Ball game, with the pizza delivery late night food
Vehicles. While some of these rapid and
Simple options taste great, they are probably
Unhealthy for the body of the student.

Food choices may affect the students or
Or were unable to stay awake during class
And whether they will come down with
White blood cells as the hits of the campus. Problem
Not only about eating junk food, more
About not obtaining the necessary proteins, carbohydrates,
Vitamins and minerals that people need.

When it comes to defending against disease
Vitamins and minerals are very important. Net
Because they are important, not a cause for
Students touch and storage of vitamins and
Supplements. It is better for students to obtain a
Nutrition of food.

You can find vitamin (c) the fruits of the lemon, and vitamin
There are milk and dairy products, vitamin (e)
Nuts and whole grains, green leafy vegetables, even
Vegetables. This is the best way to
Diet, your body depends on these vitamins
For many reasons.

If you eat on campus, and skip the soda and
The right to the juice machines. Exploration
Several entrees available and go to the authority
Bar, where fresh vegetables. U
Try for some broccoli and cauliflower
In the microwave for steamed vegetables. There
Of grain and healthy and always plenty of fresh
Fruit is also available in the dining rooms.

Always remember that eating healthy is not just a
On avoiding fatty foods. Healthy Eating
And access to a balanced diet and access to
Nutrients and vitamins, the right to keep your body
At Peak Performance - or at least during waking
Special classes.